When you make it your goal to increase equality of access to life’s opportunities, you measure your success in creating the Paradigm Shift that makes it all possible.
I am often asked, "what is it you actually do ? How do you do that?"
2019 has been incredible on so many levels, across the full range of my business portfolio.
I am honoured to have worked alongside such a diverse group of game-changers on every level, and I am in awe of the resultant innovation, particularly from our Inclusive Entrepreneurs. I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every person who has helped and supported us during this last year - you have all helped to make it possible!
Rather than write a list, we have created a short clip that shoes exactly how Universal Inclusion spent 2019 in our quest for #AnInclusiveWorld
May 2020 - in amongst all the angst we are currently seeing in the world - be filled with integrity and purpose.
Jacqueline Winstanley FRSA
31st December 2019