Delighted to be collaborating with Dr Paula Holland & Dr Cara Molyneux of Lancaster University to conduct research with small and micro-sized employers on their support needs to recruit and retain disabled workers and people with long-term health conditions. We are interested in knowing whether you found government/other sources of guidance and support for business owners helpful in recruiting and retaining disabled workers and people with long-term health conditions.
If you decide you would like to take part, a member of the study team will ask you to complete a consent form and to take part in an interview which would last up to one hour. The interview will take place in a private setting in your workplace or remotely using Microsoft Teams or Zoom. To enable analysis of the data the interview would be audio-recorded with your permission. In the interview you will be asked about your experiences of any difficulties or barriers you experienced in accessing support, advice and guidance to help with recruiting disabled people or people with long-term health conditions; and how this guidance and support could be improved. They are particularly interested in finding out whether you would like advice and guidance from government/other sources which is tailored specifically for small and micro-sized businesses.
Visit the project website for further
Alternatively call or email to ask any questions and to arrange an interview.
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Telephone: 01524 524483
For further information on Work Force retention please visit the following link